Stl Viewer Javascript Plugin







Events / Callbacks

Save/Load Methods



Javascript STL/OBJ 3D files Viewer


Click to download Stl Viewer v1.09


Upload those files into your web server:


At the html page header / page body:
<script src="stl_viewer.min.js"></script>
At the page body, create an element to contain the Stl Viewer, and give it an ID:
<div id="stl_cont"></div>
Create a new instance of Stl Viewer (simplest initiation - read and view STL file called 'mystl.stl'):
var stl_viewer=new StlViewer(document.getElementById("stl_cont"), { models: [ {id:0, filename:"mystl.stl"} ] });
Working Example


Optional parameters at initialization

var object_name = new StlViewer(html element container, [{[optional] init parameters}]);
object_nameoptional, holds instance of the created Stl Viewer
html element containerrequired, a reference to html element that will containt the Stl Viewer
[optional] init parameters all_loaded_callbackJavascript function to call after all 3D files were loaded (Default: null), See Events allow_drag_and_dropAllowing/not allowing user to drag and drop 3D files into viewer container (true/false; Default:false) auto_resizeSet camera to fit all 3D object in container (after all were loaded) (true/false; Default: true) auto_rotateAuto rotates camera if true (true/false; Default: false) mouse_zoomEnable mouse wheel zoom (true/false; Default: true) bgcolorBackground color for html container (String; Default: "transparent") cameraxCamera X axis position (Number; Default: 0) camerayCamera Y axis position (Number; Default: 0) canvas_widthWidth of the stl viewer (String represents css attribute; Default: "100%") canvas_heightHeight of the stl viewer (String represents css attribute; Default: "100%") load_three_filesLoad THREE.js lib files in the background (String represents relative path to files / or false to not load THREE js files ; Default: "" - assumes THREE js files are at the same folder as the page) loading_progress_callbackJavascript function to call during loading process (of one or more 3D files) (Default: null), See Events modelsArray of models to load (see here; Default:null) model_loaded_callbackJavascript function to call after (any) 3D file was loaded (Default: null), See Events on_model_dropJavascript function to call after 3D file was dropped into container (Default: null), See Events on_model_mousedownJavscript function to call after mouse button was down on a model (Default: null), See Events ready_callbackJavascript function to call after THREE.js files were loaded (Default: null), See Events zoomWhich zoom to use (relevant when auto_resize is set to false) (Number, -1 means auto zoom; Default: -1) center_modelsCenter model at the middle of parent element after loaded(true/false; Default: true) controlsCamera control type (0=OrbitControls, 1=TrackballControls; Default: 0)
Working Example


'Models' parameter

Array of models to load: [{models to load parameters}, {...}, ...]
[optional] models to load parameters idA uniqe id to indentify the model (Positive number (-1 for auto id), Default: -1) filenameURL of file to load (String) local_fileUser chosen local file to load (HTML file input element) meshExisting mesh to add (THREE.js mesh object) xModel X-axis position (Number, Default: 0) yModel Y-axis position (Number, Default: 0) zModel Z-axis position (Number, Default: 0) displayModel shading to display (String: "flat" / "smooth"/ "wireframe", Default: "flat") colorModel color (String "#RRGGBB" represents RGB set, Default: "#909090") scaleScale factor for all axises (Positive number, Default: 1) scalexScale factor for X-axis (Positive number, Default: 1) scaleyScale factor for Y-axis (Positive number, Default: 1) scalezScale factor for Z-axis (Positive number, Default: 1) rotationxRotation on world X-axis (Number represents radians, Default: 0) rotationyRotation on world Y-axis (Number represents radians, Default: 0) rotationzRotation on world Z-axis (Number represents radians, Default: 0) opacityModel opacity (Number between 0 and 1, Default: 1) view_edgesAdd edges on model (true/false, Default: false) animationApply animation on model (see here; Default:null)
Working Example


'Animation' parameter

Apply animation on model: {delta/exact:{animation parameters}}
[rqeuired] delta/exact deltaAdd (animation parameter's) values to current model position exactSet (animation parameter's) values of current model position
[optional] animation parameters msecAnimation time duration (how much time to animate?) (Number represents milliseconds, Default: 300) loopAnimation loop (relevant to 'delta' animation only) (true/false, Default: false) xX-axis end position (Number, Default: 0) yY-axis end position (Number, Default: 0) zZ-axis end position (Number, Default: 0) rotationxX-axis end rotation angle (Number represents radians, Default: 0) rotationyY-axis end rotation angle (Number represents radians, Default: 0) rotationzZ-axis end rotation angle (Number represents radians, Default: 0) scalexX-axis end scale factor (Positive number, Default: null) scaleyY-axis end scale factor (Positive number, Default: null) scalezZ-axis end scale factor (Positive number, Default: null) scaleEnd scale factor for all axises (Positive number, Default: null)
Working Example



add_model (new_model)
Add a new model to scene (new_model: model data)
Example (load STL and give it id 1):
stl_viewer.add_model({id:1, filename:"knot.stl"});
add_models ([new_model, new_modelm ...])
Add multiple models to scene (new_model: array of model data)
Example (load two STLs and give them ids 1 and 2):
stl_viewer.add_models([{id:1, filename:"knot.stl"}, {id:2, filename:"bar.stl"}]);
remove_model (model_id)
Remove model from scene (model_id: Number)
Example (remove model with id 5):
set_display (model_id, display)
Set model display/shading (model_id: Number; display:"flat"/"smooth"/"wireframe")
stl_viewer.set_display(2, "smooth");
set_color (model_id, color)
Set model color (model_id: Number; color:string "#RRGGBB" represents RGB set, or "transparent")
Example (set color of model id #2 to blue):
stl_viewer.set_color(2, "#0000FF");
set_opacity (model_id, opacity)
Set model opacity/transparency (model_id: Number; opacity:Number between 0 and 1)
stl_viewer.set_opacity(5, 0.5);
set_position (model_id, x,y,z)
Set model position (model_id: Number; x:x-axis position; y:y-axis position; z:z-axis position )
Example (set model #2 at position 100/100/100):
stl_viewer.set_position(2, 100, 100, 100);
set_scale (model_id, scalex, scaley, scalez)
Set model scaling/resizing factor (model_id: Number; scalex:x-axis scale factor; scaley:y-axis scale factor; scalez:z-axis scale factor)
Example (set model #7 twice as big):
stl_viewer.set_scale(7, 2);
set_edges (model_id, b)
Set edges around model? (model_id: Number; b:true/false)
Example (draw edges around model #5):
stl_viewer.set_edges(5, true);
rotate (model_id, axis_x_angel, axis_y_angel, axis_z_angel)
Rotation of model (model_id: Number; axis_x_angel:Number represents radians around x-axis; axis_y_angel:radians around y-axis; axis_z_angel:Number represents radians around z-axis)
Example (rotate model #2 0.5 radias around x axis):
stl_viewer.rotate(2, 0.5, 0, 0);
animate_model (model_id, animation)
Set animation on model (model_id: Number; animation:animation data, null to remove animation)
Example (make model #1 move 100 pixels on y axis, in one second):
stl_viewer.animate_model(1, {delta:{y:100, msec:1000}} );
get_model_info (model_id)
Returns model info as object: model name, position, dimensions, rotation, display type, color, scale, volume, area and triangles count (model_id: Number)
Example (display model info as JSON string):
alert( JSON.stringify(stl_viewer.get_model_info(5)) );
get_model_mesh (model_id)
Returns THREE JS Mesh object (model_id: Number)
Example (get mesh of model 2):
var my_mesh = get_model_mesh (2);
set_bg_color (bg_color)
Set scene background color (bg_color: String "#RRGGBB" represents RGB set / 'transparent')
Example (set scene background yellow):
set_center_models (b)
Center models at the middle of parent element after loaded (b: true/false)
set_zoom (zoom_value)
Set screen zoom (zoom_value: Number / -1 for auto zoom)
Set screen auto zoom
set_auto_rotate (b)
Set screen auto rotation (b: true/false)
set_mouse_zoom (b)
Enable mouse wheel zoom (b: true/false)
Example (remove the ability to zoom with a mouse):
set_auto_resize (b)
Resize html container element with screen resize? (b: true/false)
clean ()
Removes all 3D models, clean scene
set_on_model_mousedown (callback)
Set 'onmousedown' listener (callback: Javascript function), See Events
Example (call function 'yeh_mouse_down' when any model was clicked):
set_drag_and_drop (b)
Load 3D model by user's 'drag and drop' action (b: true/false)
Example (allow user to drag&drop model files into scene):
get_camera_state ()
Returns camera state as Javscript object {position, up, target}
var camera_state = stl_viewer.get_camera_state();
set_camera_state ()
Set camera state by Javscript object ({position, up, target}) - potision/up/taraget are x/y/z vectors
Working Example


Events / Callbacks

Called after THREE JS files were loaded
Called after all 3D files were loaded
loading_progress_callback(load_status, load_session)
Called multiple times during loading of 3D file(s) (load_status: array of loading models with two fileds: loaded, total; load_session: Number, represents current loading session) See example
Called after a model was loaded (model_id: Number, represents the model that was loaded)
Called after 3D model was dragged and dropped to scene (and starts being loaded) (filename: String, 3D file name)
Called after mouse button was down on a 3D model (model_id: Number, represents the model that was clicked)

Save/Load Methods

get_stl_bin (model_id)
Returns STL formatted model as arraybuffer (model_id: Number)
var model_binary_data = stl_viewer.get_stl_bin(0);
download_model (model_id[, filename])
download model as STL file (model_id: Number; filename: name of the file (optional), default: model's original filename)
stl_viewer.download_model(0, 'my_model.stl');
get_vsj (as_js_obj)
Returns current scene status as Javscript object or JSON string, contains models info, container properties; doesn't contain events and model's binary data (as_js_obj: true/false; Default:false; if true: returns Javscript Object, if false - returns JSON string)
var scene_status = stl_viewer.get_vsj();
Result (assuming one model named bar.stl in scene):
download_vsj (filename)
Download a json/text file with current scene status (filename: name of the file (optional), default: 1.vsj)
load_vsj (filename)
Load scene from vsj - ViewStl JSON file (filename: URL of vsj file | HTML file object)
get_vsb ()
Returns current scene status as Javscript object, INCLUDING model's binary data (means: you don't need to keep the original STL files or anything else besides this vsb file)
var vsb = stl_viewer.get_vsb();
Object {vsj: Object (see get_vsj), files: array of models {id: number, bin: ArrayBuffer}}
download_vsb (filename)
Download current scene as vsb file - ViewStl Binary (filename: name of the file (optional), default: 1.vsb)
(you don't need to keep the original STL files or anything else besides this vsb file)
Dependency: JSZip (library not included in Viewstl plugin, you must load it within your page)
Result: my_scene.vsb: a ZIP compressed file, contains (see get_vsj), and models as STL files
load_vsb (filename)
Load scene from vsb - ViewStl Binary file (filename: URL of vsb file | HTML file object)
Dependency: JSZip (library not included in Viewstl plugin, you must load it within your page)
Working Example



Viewstl Javscript plugin is licensed under the MIT License - Copyright (c) 2019

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